Peace, Nature and the human being

Peace, Nature, Human Beings and their Interdependence

Written and published on 05.02.2011 by Sri Vishnu Pala

As we all know, the human being needs peace in order to spread peace; at the same time, we also know that we find peace first within ourselves. This means we experience peace first deep inside us, but it does not end there; once we feel and experience the peace within ourselves, then begins the Manava kriya – human action – to share the experience and feelings with other people around us who can attain the same experience  in order to spread it further. And this kind of action is based on the give and take principle, in order to strengthen the activity of sharing wisdom, to achieve peace ultimately in every human being. Achieving peace is self responsibility, but to fulfil this responsibility every human being needs knowledge or wisdom to accelerate the process of attaining peace, because time has an important influence on every human being on this earth, as well as on every action a human being performs and on every reaction produced.

Self-experience of peace leads to further positive kriyas, or actions, in human society, which in turn leads to attaining a deep sense of peace within ourselves. This cyclic process is never-ending and it strengthens and monitors self-discipline in experiencing deeper peace within, and transforms the experienced peace into positive action to serve and preserve nature and nature-dependent beings. The actions of preserving and serving basically depend on two important factors: one is the effective give and take cyclic process, the second is time. Attaining and experiencing peace deep within is time-dependent, and transforming the experienced peace as positive action in holistic form into human society is a holistic process. This holistic process preserves human existence, human values and human progress. These three factors are inter-dependent and time-dependent, leading to the continuation of the nature cycle.

Peace is a time-dependent holistic state of mind and every action arising out of this state is time-bound, holistic action. It means that as human beings we always strive to achieve peace in the world through self realisation and through self initiated actions and subsequent reactions. In the present world, people transform their experience of peace into useful and positive action. This kind of positive motivation leads to knowledge sharing for peace, which in turn converts the achieved peaceful state of mind into holistic action. Experience and thoughts arising from experience cause human beings to perform actions (Kriyas) in order to be in a stable condition, which is a normal process.

The nature cycle has the attributes of creation, evolution and degeneration and these three attributes are also inter-dependent and time-dependent. Protecting the nature cycle is the responsibility of the participants involved in the nature cycle, which means every living being – but the human being is considered to be intelligent enough, among all living beings, to protect the nature cycle, for the sake of all living beings as well as non-living things. This kind of holistic activity will only be achieved through self-experiencing and spreading peace in the world. Giving adequate importance to spreading this concept basically depends on the knowledge of peace. This knowledge is based on the experience of peace, and the knowledge and experience preserved as wisdom. This wisdom creates the vision in human beings to be active participants in protecting the nature cycle as a basic responsibility. The vision attained through peace creates holistic actions in order to produce holistic reactions in the entire universe.

Thank you for reading this article.

Sri Vishnu Pala
(Spiritual Master)